Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Mini Valentine

Life's like a roller coaster ride now - thanks to  my mini-valentine! I hardly ever use the word 'bored' nowadays.

So what does a typical mother's day look like? I need to get up early to eat breakfast before the li'l one gets up, wash his soiled nappies, hang them, fold his cleaned ones, make lunch, feed him, bathe him, feed him again, put him to nap ( this is NOT an easy task), eat my lunch, sit down to relax (what's that noise? he's up already..), play with him, try making tea and entertain him at the same time, put him for a small nap, read mails, run to make dinner, heat water to bathe him, bathe him, feed him, have dinner, and sit for long hours putting him to sleep. Yeah, pretty much this is what everyday of my life revolves around.

How on earth did my mom raise three kids and that too all of us were like just one or two years apart. I have no idea how she did it but seriously women ARE the greatest of God's creation. They multi task so goddamn well! So what do we get in return for all this back breaking work? Picture this: I sit on my bed looking at this tiny being unfurling his arms and legs, his eyes move over to mine, he stares at me, I stare back at him all dead tired and then he coos 'aaah' and gives this big toothless smile - and believe me that's the instant I know this is all worth it. Each pain I go through, each second of my life spent slaving for him, each moment I sit spent out - everything is like totally worth it for this li'l toothless smile from that saliva-gurgling face.

Happy Valentines Day guys...!


  1. Happy Valentines Day to you and your Chubby lil One..

  2. life's worth the wait....true and definitely true! ;)
