Friday, November 19, 2010

Children of Heaven

I absolutely love small children and I have always wanted to do something for orphans. One of my friends told me about a needy orphanage and I recently paid a visit to offer a treat. There were about 20 to 25 children huddled up in one small shelter. These were kids born to people having extramarital relationships, people who did not want to be burdened with the task of having to grow them up and other situations. Most of them were around 5 to 10 yrs old. The girls slept on torn mats on a cement floor and the boys in another building. Looking at all of them actually makes your heart melt, but if you ask them - they are just thankful for the food and shelter. They were real friendly too so if anyone would like to lend a hand - do help them out.

I have a real soft corner towards kids and I really hate to see children suffering in life. I am sure many of you guys read about the brutal murder and sexual assault of 2 small kids from Coimbatore, a few weeks back. I was totally shocked when I read the gory details of the story. The girl probably wouldn't even have known what happened to her. In a land where kids are considered to be blessings from God, I was unable to digest the fact that someone could do something that inhuman to them. The grotesque incident made me boil with rage. When I heard about the encounter (most probably a fake encounter) in which the kidnapper was killed, I was actually happy in a weird way. Believe me, if I had seen him at the scene of crime, I myself would have shot him without a second thought.

Every single day I hear some news or the other about kids being sold into labor, prostitution and drugs. There was a time when kids would be just running around here and there happily. Now parents lock them up at home in fear of kidnappers, child molesters and pedophiles. I cannot imagine how anyone with a sane mind would actually kill an innocent child. Maybe those people never had a good childhood to begin with.I guess that's where the problem lies. A few months back, I read a 11 year old boy raped and killed a 7 year old girl in Chennai. I mean, all I could think of kids at 11 years is playing video games and here's a boy who's on criminal records at that age!

I can't imagine what would happen in future - would a 5 year old smoke pot and go on a rampage killing people? Who am I kidding - there is already a 2 year old kid in Indonesia who's addicted to cigarettes. God save the world!

                "Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.”


  1. Yeah, sickens me too when creeps and psychos go after innocent kids, makes you wonder what kind of tormented childhood they must have had... I hate them too!!! And yes, kids these days are more advanced and open to things... kinda frightening.

  2. Seriously Karen.. tell me about it...sigh!

  3. Really so scary when thinking of the next generation..... But the possible prevention lies in the hand of parents and their care towards their children...I guess! When they leave them astray least minding about them, surely any child from any background would go to the extent of anything by which they are influenced, whether it be good or bad. Hmm.....anyway, the world is going somewhereeeee......tats the bitter truth!!!

  4. Yes Jenisha, Truly a major reponsibility in the development of the morale side of a child lies on his or her parents .. Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. Hi Gibsy..

    will be happy to help.. If i just knew the name or place of the orphanage.. So would many other people.. Please do post it.


  6. nice to hear that Sakthi.. well here's the number:
    The woman's name is Selvi.. The place is near Asaripallam. Do spread the word. Thanks!

  7. Best thing these days is to educate children about the ill effects of such things as Pornography, bad company and Bad habits such as drinking and Drugs. Gone are the days where parents have to wait for children to learn these things themselves from the world. These days waiting could end up to loosing your child.

    Times have changed with children having their own mobile phones, little do parents know whom they are even in contact with. Rightly said, the life of a child is only in the hands of their parents. They can make or break a childs life these days.

    Yes and even we were all very happy on hearing about the encounter. Kudos to the Tamilnadu Police.

  8. @Bunny: Rightly said..Thanks for popping by and giving your comment!
