Friday, December 10, 2010

Dear Dan

Dear Dan,

I have learned so many things in life from you. I feel like writing it to you so that it would always be there no matter what. I learned from my life with you that affection need not be displayed and that it can be understood even when you are silent. I learned that having a fight would never alter your feelings or mine, now or forever. After a storm there will always be sunshine. I learned that God is truly love and he lives in us. 

I know there might be perfect couples out there but I love the way God paired us up. Perfect would be too boring. I love to wrestle with you, call you names, talk in the night till I fall asleep and fight for the last piece of chocolate in the fridge. Yes, I love being a kid with you. I find it beautiful that you are weird just like me. I love the way you give me my space, freedom and put up with my stubborn moronic behavior. I love to watch you sleep like a child each morning and I like the way you make me laugh (of course you have made me cry too – I never liked that :D).I love the way your ego works when after a fight you hold me in your arms in the night thinking I will never know because I am asleep.

When people told me that I would be making a grave mistake choosing to start my life with you, I believed in us. I am glad I did. Life was not a bed of roses, but we made it till here. Yes, the first few months were hard but I realized you are just like wine - the older you got, the better you turned out.

Of course you have your anger, impatience, and craziness that comes with the package, but Love does conquer all. Celebrating 2 years of our roller-coaster life together on this day, it just feels like getting married all over again.


  1. awwww... *sniff* *sniff* I'm so happy for you guys!!

  2. well Gib its too sweet of you to write all this.. now come out of ur 2nd year trance.. there's lots more in life to come.. Sadness, fall, Stress, Pain, Horror.. the list goes on.. He He He.. Just Kiddin.. Happy Anniversary KIPSY KURL,,,

  3. This was beautiful... its the 'happily ever after' part the story books leave out. Hope you had a wonderful anniversary.

  4. Happy Anniversary to you both!

  5. Happy Anniversary.. Perfect..What he can get more this from a partner...

  6. Thanks Karen, Angelina and Sreejith!! :)
