Saturday, August 6, 2011


Floating inside two years of marital bliss makes all the people around you curious with questions and one very common one among them is – aren’t you planning to have kids?

Whenever me and my husband go anywhere and I mean any part of this world, it all starts with – how long have you been married? What are you doing now? Don’t have any kids? We both will look at each other and smile and say we just got married, let things settle down a bit. Some people really bug me when they throw this question in front of a crowd – it’s really insensitive to do that you clowns! There was this particular woman in my husband’s native who asked me if I had a kid and I was like no and then her face went like as if I told her I had a dreadful disease and I was about to die the next day. She held my hand and looked up to me with such sad, pitiful eyes that I really felt like I was living my last days on earth.

At first it was funny, but as days went by it really got to my nerves. I mean here I was working to stabilize and fix holes in my life and people were like jumping everywhere and popping the inevitable question. I mean its okay but what about people who really have problems – people give them a break, will ya?

So you can imagine how everyone reacted when I told them that I was indeed going to be a mom – yes I am finally pregnant. Then everyone became doctors and dieticians telling me what to eat, what to see (yes, see on TV – apparently I shouldn’t watch violent movies), what to listen, what to talk…. The list goes on. Well, whatever it is, I know that something beautiful living in me is waiting to meet me soon...



  2. Yeah, so you can imagine what four years of married life without a child in sight is for me... unnecessary questions, comments and faces with a few real concerns thrown in.
    Anyway, enjoy your preggie status... sounds fun, congrats to both of you.

  3. Let me be the first one to congratulate you on this happy news.

  4. Thanks you all.. Karen.. yes Nams would tell me at times.. well like I say to her : 'this too shall pass!'
