Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Respecting 'Her'

Is it just me or is it everywhere I look I only see news on someone being raped or molested? The Delhi incident sure did give a kick-in-the-butt for all the people who were just too ignorant of the fact that we live in a country where women are treated like objects.

I am sure by now people would start analyzing, scrutinizing, reasoning and do all the 'ing's with the unfortunate incident. A couple of retards have also given such logical reasons like, 'she should have begged for her life calling them brothers' or 'what was she doing out that late' - these guys should have been leaders in the UN Council, I mean such wisdom, really! So many people have given their two pence on this incident but what if you personally knew this girl - what would you say then? Would you still say that it's none of my business, or who cares, or did she really need to watch a movie?

Last night I  thought about Jyothi, who was tagged in several names and was the talk of the month, was just a woman like me, who had dreams, lived a normal life, had friends, and had a right to live her life and everything came crashing just because she took the wrong bus? 6 barbarians, who had no meaningful life wanted to teach her a lesson apparently. What lesson? the lesson they were made to believe - that a women belongs in her kitchen, a women has no life of her own, a woman is just an object that can be used and discarded or ignored, a woman can't laugh loud, love a man, dream crazily or speak her mind. So, who taught them these so called lessons? Was it those barbarians' parents or their school or the society they lived in or the media that they were exposed to? You decide.

I live in a land where I think twice to dress while going out or board buses or walk in a crowded place. And please, QUIT saying that our clothing provokes you because my question to you then will be what dressing on a 7 month old baby girl or a 11 year old girl made you jump out of your pants? 
This Delhi incident is just one that actually made it to such media attention - trust me, there are thousands which are forgotten or swept under the carpet. I am sure every girl out there must have faced some sort of sexual assault in some way or the other. My question is why? Is it because of all the movies that show each close-cut scene on how helpless a woman is while getting assaulted? Is it because of the newspapers that focus on all the negativity happening around while turning a blind-eye to all the little positive stories? Is it that our people love listening to the gory details on how, when, why and by whom she was raped? I don't know.

I think we all have a part to play where we need to tell our friends, brothers, nephews, cousins or sons to respect women and make them understand that women are humans too, just like them and they are physically weaker and God gave them for a reason - to love and be loved, not to be hunted like animals or looked down upon, but instead understand and know that here is a being, who is similar to the one that brought you into this world and she truly and most definitely deserves her respect.


  1. You put my feelings to words with this soul stirring note Gibsy! We can only just hope for a heart change in our nation..Thank you for this!

  2. The whole thing is sickening beyond understanding... I shudder whenever I think of the hell she must have gone through on that bus. And then to see such apathy from the so called leaders... it was all like a festering decay of humanity. I want to write about this topic too... but I just can't get the words out...

  3. @Angelina - thank you for taking your time to read...

    @Karen - I kept that blank page on my blog open for days before I could actually write something without down-pouring words of anger so yeah, I can relate to you.
